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Fantasy High Live! Episodes 17 & 18 Review

Welcome back kids, today we will be talking about episode's 17 & 18. I can actually say the names as well since they are both on Dropout. So first, we can start with episode 17, "The Forest of the Nightmare King."


So we start off with where we left off in the last episode. Kristen had just cured Riz of his Kalina sickness, and all of the higherlings have disappeared. The gang then collects all of the ingredients for the tonic that will cure Kalina disease, since Kristen can't do another greater restoration. Miraculously, they actually make it out of the forest where Kalina can't hurt them and get the tonic made. Kristen then heals herself, and now the entire group can not be affected/destroyed by Kalina.

After doing some scrying on Ayda, the gang gets ready to go back into the forest to go find their friends and cure them of the sickness. It actually goes pretty well, up until they get to this crazy church-like place in the forest. They sneak around and find out how Adiane's mom was able to pass through the rest of the forest. Then Kristen enters a different room with a unicorn skeleton and a messed up painting. She then gets a nat 20 on her religion check gets to talk to the unnamed goddess. The episode then ends with her getting stabbed through the heart by that unicorn skeleton. Yup, that is how it ENDED, meaning we had to wait another week to find out what in the world that was about and spoiler alert, we didn't.


So episode 18, "Fearful Symmetry," was another rollercoaster that just boggled my noodle. So I am going to be perfectly honest, I have no earthly way of explaining the start of this episode because it as just insane. I would suggest watching it fully understand what absolute buffoonery Brennan did.

First off, Ally was not at the table during this episode. For those who do not know, Ally is the person who plays Kristen, you know, the character that got stabbed in the last episode.

Since Ally is not here, that means that Kristen can not be played, so for right now, we don't know exactly what happened, but we are just going to say that Kristen is dead.

So basically, this episode was about her of the Bad Kids facing their fears so that they could go deeper to the center of the Nightmare Forest. Riz's fear was that all of his friends would find love and forget about him. Fig's fear was that people like her persona more than the real her. Fabian's fear, as I interpreted it, was that his friends wouldn't remember him/ nobody would remember who he really is now. Adaine's fear seemed to be not being in control of her own life. I couldn't really exactly discern what Gorgug's fear was, but maybe someone else did. We also got a picture of Adaine's trash family.


So let's talk about the next episode. So usually, this game is live-streamed in a little room with all seven people, but due to the COVID-19 situation, that isn't a possibility right now. They're gonna try and play the game through their computers at home and try to stream that way. Who knows if it will work, but at least they are trying. They said that if they can get the technology to work, then it ill be a FOUR HOUR STREAM since this will be the final to Fantasy High Live! I really hope they can pull it off, but anyway I will see you next time.

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